Sunday, 6 February 2011

(Black Tea) Ceylon.

Where it's grown : Sri lanka (formerly known as Ceylon), the island nation off the southeast coast of India.

How it tastes: Exotic and aromatic, strong, tart, and a little lemony.

Color of the brew: Reddish amber.

When to drink it: Breakfast or afternoon, with a sweet roll or pastry.

Brewing directions: Steep 1-1/2 teaspoons in 1 cup of boiling water for 4 to 5 minutes.

Worth noting: Sri lanka was once the number one tea producer in the world, but political turmoil has diminished production in recent years.


  1. Mmm...I bet this would go great with just a drop of honey.

  2. we all drink ceylon in my hosue =x

  3. a drop of honey does sound good with this

  4. How do you drink your tea Jess? >:3

  5. Very interesting, seems like it could be good

  6. @shishimaru: I drink without milk as i am a vegan, still great though! :)

  7. Hot tea is where it's at.
    It's been a while since I've had any.

  8. Sounds like some strong tea.

    Btw, what happened to you blog yesterday? I came to check it out again and it said it was unavailable.

  9. @Ivan: Oooo, i'm not sure, maybe there was just problems with blogger or something, it was up!

    Thanks for taking the time for my blog! :)

  10. Ceylon tea is one of my favorites.

    How do you drink your tea? I usually have it pure, with no additives. No sweetener, no milk, so you can actually taste the tea.

  11. I do this a whole lot of the time also, plain is very nice so you can taste the pure tea :)

  12. Have you ever had Kashmir tea? I had it in India. It was a mildly steeped black tea, I think, with a cinnamon stick, a bit of saffron, and a couple whole cardamom pods left floating in the cup. It was amazing!!!!

    I'm not sure exactly what kind of tea served as the basis.
